Attack on the Microbiome – Game Over II (English version)
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“You are what you eat”. This wisdom is true and well known. Who we are and how we feel is determined by a variety of bacteria inside us, called the microbiome.
Attention: The natural, healthy diversity of our microbiome should be monopolized! And with it our feeling and being. Controlled monocultures are to grow in our guts, just as they do outside in the fields. A criminal organization wants to create the uniform human being through the uniform microbiome.
The doctor and author Heiko Schöning had already publicly predicted the coronavirus pandemic and correctly named the perpetrators. Now, in GAME OVER II, Schöning explains in detail which people and organizations are behind the newly planned attack. It’s about bioweapons, multi-resistant bacteria, antibiotics, probiotics, money and power.
GAME OVER II is the essential book to protect yourself knowledgeably against the new attack.
–> The English edition is expected to be published in December. You can already pre-order it here.
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Heiko Schöning is a doctor, author and activist. In an interview back in September 2019, he warned of a planned pandemic on the scale of the current coronavirus crisis.
His first book “Game Over. COVID-19 | ANTHRAX-01” was published in 2021.
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Videos / Bilder
Relevant details and in-depth knowledge on individual aspects of the book can be found at (currently still in German):